Monday, November 21, 2011


I have Functional Artblock about half the time. I say 'Functional' not because I can function with it, but because it's not actually artblock, it just ends up functioning the same way that artblock would -- by keeping me from arting.

In reality, my artblock it more like a Three Stooges routine than anything else. It works like this: Every once in a while, I'll have an overflowing of ideas. When this happens, my head gets so crowded that all the ideas trying to get out at once blocks up the door, and nothing can get out at all, and if anything does, it's simply bits and pieces, fragments that do not make up anything close to a coherent whole. For instance, I currently have a new story circling my brain wanting to come out, but it would just make one more thing on the pile of things I need to get done.

I may start scheduling an actual time in which I comic, and only comic, and only comic on the comics I'm working on now. Once a week, every week, for a set amount of time. For right now? I'm tempted to say 'some time on monday whether you like it or not'.

So. Off to Comic. And make soup. Well, additional soup.