Friday, October 25, 2013

Con Report -- GeekGirlCon

Well, the Con was a blast, as they always are, because hanging out with my little sister and actually being able to speak to people without panicking too badly.  I drew a couple of things, gave away a billion little sketchcards, and sold a few things.

I spent the few days before the con madly printing things. I made business cards, and sketchcards, and, first and foremost, printed copies of Spilled Wine and the roughbook for chapter one of Basic Training. And, in printing the roughbooks, I realized something about the cover that means I definitely have to redraw it in the Watercolours (That's okay, I had been planning to anyway, because the cover is awful...). Namely, that one of the characters is going invisible.

And then people bought them. Two different people bought a copy of Spilled Wine, one of whom also got a copy of Basic Training. Another person traded me for both. One person who stood and read the entirety of Spilled Wine looked up with awe and said she hopes I get published. I count this con as a success, regardless of the fact that I made a grand total of $25.

On the first day, I dressed as a member of the Imperial Leadership Core, recently graduated from the Academe. This means I was wearing pretty much exactly what Killroy Kestrel is wearing in Spilled Wine. It's green and black. On the second day, I dressed as Gary, who is both my Default Con Costume, and a character from yet another thing I'm working on, with the Little Sis I go to Cons with (Who is also my editor, etc. for Spiader Webs ). This con, I did not get a "nice rack" comment. That was nice. Plenty of people liked the antlers and wanted to know how I held them on (String!).

Spiader Webs seems to have at least a minimal following. About five people see the page every day, which is awesome.

Before Con, I took five copies of Spilled Wine to my local comic shop. I have to go in there and buy more comics check see if any copies of that have sold. The traffic for the website is confusing and exhilarating (18 people looked at the website today. I have no idea why... ).

Actually, all four of the comics that I have on the web currently are getting at least minimal attention at the moment....

This is scary.

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